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Tangible heritage. The sciences behind it. Social and economic impact, Coordinators: Anca Gabriela Bărbulescu, Maria Cristina Rotaru, Paula Loureiro, Katalin Nagy, Beata Walas, Laura Ersilia Moccia, Münire Alagöz

This paperwork has been made with the contribution of a team of teachers from the six schools involved in the Erasmus+ School Exchange Partnership “Social Values STEM from European Heritage“, project no. 2019-1-RO01-KA229-063117:

Lecturați gratuit Tangible heritage. The sciences behind it. Social and economic impact, Coordinators: Anca Gabriela Bărbulescu, Maria [...]

Flexibilitate și adaptare în contextul instructiv – educativ actual – Culegere de exemple de bune practici, coordonatori: Anca Gabriela Bărbulescu, Maria Cristina Rotaru

Conferința națională intitulatǎ ”Flexibilitate și adaptare în contextul intructiv-educativ actual, elemente ce condiționează eficiența și succesul activităților didactice” (21 mai 2021), face parte din planul de activități de diseminare al proiectului de parteneriat strategic Erasmus+, [...]

Tangible Heritage. The Technology & Engineering Behind It. Social & Economic Impact, coordinators: Anca Gabriela Bărbulescu, Maria Cristina Rotaru, Paula Loureiro, Katalin Nagy, Beata Walas, Laura Ersilia Moccia, Münire Alagöz

This paperwork has been made with the contribution of a team of teachers from the six schools involved in the Erasmus+ School Exchange Partnership “Social Values STEM from European Heritage“, project no. 2019-1-RO01-KA229-063117.

Lecturați gratuit Tangible Heritage. The Technology & Engineering Behind It. Social & Economic Impact, coordinators: Anca Gabriela [...]

Tangible Heritage.The Maths Behind Its Creation, coordonatori: Anca Gabriela Bărbulescu, Maria Cristina Rotaru, Paula Loureiro, Katalin Nagy, Beata Walas, Laura Ersilia Moccia, Münire Alagöz

This paperwork has been made with the contribution of a team of teachers from the six schools involved in the Erasmus+ School Exchange Partnership “Social Values STEM from European Heritage“, project no. 2019-1-RO01-KA229-063117.

Lecturați gratuit Tangible Heritage.The Maths Behind Its Creation, coordonatori: Anca Gabriela Bărbulescu, Maria Cristina Rotaru, Paula Loureiro, [...]

LINKS TO THE REAL WORLD – Booklet of the contest – 2nd edition, coordonatori: Anca Gabriela Bărbulescu, Maria-Cristina Rotaru, Simona-Mariana Roşu

In April 2017, the international team involved in the Erasmus Plus project “Cross-Curricular approaches to Mathematics and Sciences in Formal and Informal Contexts” organized the second edition of [...]

LINKS TO THE REAL WORLD – Booklet of the contest – 1st edition, coordonatori: Anca Gabriela Bărbulescu, Maria-Cristina Rotaru, Simona-Mariana Roşu

In May 2016, the international team involved in the Erasmus Plus project “Cross-Curricular approaches to Mathematics and Sciences in Formal and Informal Contexts” organized the first edition of the contest “Links to the Real World”. The team developed a set of tests based on [...]