The problem of self-understanding and self-evaluation has been long dealt with, but when it is discussed within a novel, it becomes even more interesting because we also have to consider the author’s subjectivity in presenting a character’s struggle to discover, or re-discover who he really is. Another interesting aspect, which appears in John Fowles’s novel The Magus, is the way in which he educates both his characters and readers through games. The way in which the author handles all the variables of both the literary game (a stylistic design), and the technical one (all the strategies that he uses be they in a direct manner or indirectly, through his characters – Conchis) is a provocation to an exercise of thinking for all readers. Another reason for which we chose this topic and this author was that we found it challenging to study the way in which he had his characters find their real self through games, actually through the godgame with all its components, whose final outcome would be the reaching to the core of self-knowledge. The prize is not so easy to obtain because the characters have to undergo some processes of manipulation, whether through some words, gestures, or tests set by the director of the game. The masterful control of all the elements of the game: participants (grouped into teams of passive and active participants), rules, principles, techniques and strategies, trials, clues, settings and timing proves Fowles to be an excellent knower of the secrets of game and of human psychology. Autorul Descarcă ediţia online – gratuită – a lucrării Games in John Fowles’s “The Magus”, autor Oana Elena Bucur. Lucrarea este protejată la copiere şi imprimare şi poate fi deschisă pentru maximum 10 lecturi, fiecare lectură pe termen nelimitat. ISBN 978-606-577-431-5 |