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Magic. Motivate games, increase competences, autor SIMION Constantin Romulus

Our project has been carried out together with these schools: Tömük Cumhuriyet Primary School in Turkey, Kauno r from Lithuaniai ,Raudondvario lopselis – darzelis “Riesutelis”, from Romania, Scoala Gimnaziala “Ion Luca Caragiale” Sibiu, Primary School “Dedo Iljo Malesevski” from Macedonia and ISTITUTO COMPRENSIVO N. 3 “A.VIVENZA-GIOVANNI XXIII” from Italy. Our project goal is to develop both our own professional capacity and the capacity of institutions, students and parents by producing content and materials in cooperation with our partners on game-based education in European dimension; To minimize our students’ cognitive, mental and physical problems through the game (inactivity, asociality, introversion, lack of group work, hand-eye coordination, violence tendency, lack of communication, lack of development of thinking skills, etc.) caused by technology addiction, family and economic problems.

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ISBN 978-606-30-5037-4

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