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An insight into the role of music and poetry in creating a positive mindset among preteens - O perspectivă asupra rolului muzicii și poeziei în crearea unei atitudini pozitive în rândul preadolescenților, autor Oana-Mihaela Dănilă

In the attempt to bring forward a thought-provoking topic of discussion, our suggestion took the form of a research paper meant to examine the impact of pieces of music and poetry in what the positive attitude of the students is concerned. Even if these forms of art may seem to be strictly related to teaching certain contents based on grammar or lexis, their impact on the evolution of preteens students goes beyond that main didactic meaning. Without the right approach which first and foremost comprises the attitude of the students towards what they are expected to learn or to do, it is pointless to debate the importance of such resources in teaching specific language content issues. With reference to structure, process and pedgagogy, this paper follows the practical flow which starts with theoretical aspects and goes to concrete examples that are contextualised in the reality of the life of preteens. In order for the constructive and through work to be accomplished, the results that will strike the key note of the paper will find their place in a case study that revolves around the 6th grade of students I teach during this school year. They come into contact with pieces of music and poems and the paper’s essence will comprise their reaction and attitude to what they read, listen to, sing or even write down.

Lecturați gratuit An insight into the role of music and poetry in creating a positive mindset among preteens – O perspectivă asupra rolului muzicii și poeziei în crearea unei atitudini pozitive în rândul preadolescenților, autor Oana-Mihaela Dănilă

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ISBN 978-606-30-4476-2

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