Domenii | Autori


The Great European Gallery of Science – Comenius Multilateral Project –“Art and Science: The Best Ambassadors of the National Values within Europe”

This paperwork has been made with the contribution of the students and teachers from the 9 schools involved in the multilateral Comenius project “ART AND SCIENCE- The Best Ambassadors of the National Values within Europe” national ID: 12-PM-14-DJ-RO, LLP No: 2012-1-RO1-COM06-22154 1.
1. “Tudor Arghezi” High School, CRAIOVA, ROMANIA –project coordinator
2. “Elias Canetti” [...]

The Great Gallery Arts. Comenius Multilateral Project –“Art and Science: The Best Ambassadors of the National Values within Europe”

This paperwork has been made with the contribution of the students and teachers from the 9 schools involved in the multilateral Comenius project “ART AND SCI ENCE- The Best Ambassadors of the National Values within Europe” national ID: 12-PM-14-DJ-RO, LLP No: 2012-1-RO1-COM06-22154 1.
1. “Tudor Arghezi” High School, CRAIOVA, ROMANIA –project coordinator
2. “Elias [...]