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Modern resources and activities in teaching English, autor Loredana Lazăr

Cartea Modern resources and activities in teaching English este menită să ghideze profesorii de limba engleză în aplicarea de metode moderne de predare, prin folosirea de resurse noi: site-uri utile de pe internet. Am cuprins aici modele de activităţi pentru predarea celor patru competenţe: citire, scriere, ascultare, vorbire.
Activităţile sunt atractive pentru elevi, folosind mai [...]

Să mâncăm sănătos! – Healthy eating!, autor Prof. Loredana Lazăr

Din rețetele bunicii:

10 linguri de făină, 2 linguri de ulei, 25 gr. de drojdie, 1 litru de lapte, 2-3 linguri de zahăr, gem de fructe.
Mod de preparare:
Într-un castron se pune drojdia cu zahărul şi puţin lapte la dospit. Când maiaua e gata, se adaugă 2 linguri de ulei, 1 litru de lapte şi apoi [...]

The Syntax of the Noun Phrase in English, autor Loredana Lazăr

I could not begin the present research paper without justifying the title that i chose. It all started from a guestion that somebody asked me, a very good question that avee me food for thought. I was asked to give an opinion on the next English phrase: “a beautifull girl” and I was to [...]

The Structure of Phrases in English, autor Loredana Lazăr

This work is concerned with the structure of phrases and of simple sentences, kernels. The main focus is on showing that sentences have the same structure as phrases, on the basis of the X’-theory. The final chapter deals with some transformations in English, which prove that grammar based on the PSRs cannot give enough [...]