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Developing English Language Skills through Drama Games, autor Dănila Nicoleta

Cartea abordează un subiect de actualitate, dezvoltarea competențelor de limba engleză prin joc dramatic, ca parte a noilor perspective în didactica limbilor moderne. Demersul de tip metodico-aplicativ își propune să demonstreze că integrarea metodelor practice care au la bază folosirea jocului didactic bazat pe dramatizare în cadrul orelor de limbă valorifică la nivelul [...]

Developing English Language Skills through Songs and Music, autor Dănila Nicoleta

When I first began teaching, I was busy trying to survive and cover the syllabus. My focus was on the subject matter, the methods and keeping the children quiet. It was only gradually that I began to understand the importance of observing what children do and I also began to talk to them. As [...]