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In May 2016, the international team involved in the Erasmus Plus project “Cross-Curricular approaches to Mathematics and Sciences in Formal and Informal Contexts” organized the first edition of the contest “Links to the Real World”. The team developed a set of tests based on a commonly agreed upon syllabus of interdisciplinary/cross-curricular contents, mainly focusing on maths, sciences and their applications into the daily life.
The contest was organized in order to increase the motivation and engagement of the students, to develop their thinking skills, to develop the linguistic abilities in English & to develop the IT competences of less than 140 students from 7 European countries (approximately 20 students/partner).
The tests fit into a template conceived by all partners during the transnational meeting in Italy and included objective, semi-objective items and also questions with open answers. Out of all the tests conceived, one blended variant was selected in the morning of the contest and it was sent to all the partners during the same morning, in accordance with the provisions agreed upon by all the project staffs.
This booklet includes the tests elaborated by the multinational team and their solutions.

Lecturați gratuit LINKS TO THE REAL WORLD – Booklet of the contest – 1st edition, coordonatori: Anca Gabriela Bărbulescu, Maria-Cristina Rotaru, Simona-Mariana Roşu

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ISBN 978-606-8860-55-8
Editura Sfântul Ioan

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