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The Role Of Films In EFL Classroom, autor Roxana Luiziana Baciu

I strongly believe that an English teacher is able to use new and interesting resources so that teaching becomes more pleasant and much more effective. Students feel that reading or writing about abstract topics, places or people is, on the one hand, not useful, and on the other hand – boring. My objective as an English teacher is to provide teaching tools so that my students find the confidence to share their opinions, to talk about themselves, to learn about their classmates and to discover information about other countries’ cultures.
One example of such an excellent tool used in teaching English as a foreign language is the film. I consider that the students’ motivation increases while watching films in the classroom because the screen captivates them and the mixture of sound and image is a stimulating way in which learners are exposed to language. Films are funny, interesting and they can lead students towards exchanges of opinions and ideas.


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ISBN 978-606-30-1651-6

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