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Using American Films in Developing Communicative Skills for Highschool Students, autor Gabriela-Nicoleta Tudurean

The task we set ourselves in the present paper was to bring together various methods of using American films in the process of teaching English to highschool students, grouping them according to the skills teachers want to develop and draw certain conclusions.Throughout the study, we have discovered that the youth nowadays present a special interest in watching films, particulary the ones produced by Hollywood directors and that they respond positively to numerous class activities related to watching films.The main purpose was to demonstrate that, brought into the classroom, films evoke excitement, emotion at different levels and stimulate students’ interest and involvement, discussion points along with the development of communicative skills in the English language. As opposed to the more traditional methods still used by teachers across the country and which are based on textbooks only, using films or trailers linked to the topic in discussion at a certain time during the teaching precess proves to be more involving for the learners.

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ISBN 978-606-30-4061-0

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