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Creativity in ELT. A conceptual approach, autor Daniela Elena Guraliuc

The paper deals with concepts, integrating the theoretical issues and specific terminology, looking at how theory has been realised in methodological practice, especially regarding contrasts and similarities with modern and traditional approaches to teaching English language. Within the general area of methodology people talk about approaches, methods, techniques, procedures, all of which go into the practice of English teaching. These terms will be thoroughly defined and exemplified, as well as the key concepts for the present paper words stemming from the lexical term creative. As a language teacher I use a variety of teaching tools to explain language meaning and construction, engage students in a topic, or as the basis of a whole activity. Some traditional tools will be described (through pictures and images, flashcards, fillers, lexical games) up to more modern ones (using videos, online tools, internet, computer assisted learning, podcasting, audacity) and the products will also be illustrated.

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ISBN 978-606-30-5272-9

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