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Methodical and Research Activity, autor Mariuta Carmen Chiritescu

If learners are going to be able to make sense of grammar they will need to be exposed to it in its contexts of use. Secondly, if learners are to achieve a functional command of a second language, they will need to be able to understand and produce not just isolated sentences, but whole texts in that language.
Listening can help students acquire vocabulary and grammar, and the fact that a teacher encourages students to choose for themselves what they listen to and to do so for pleasure and general language improvement can also have a dramatic effect on a students’ language learning. Many teachers use material on disk increasingly, when they want their students to practice listening skills. This has a number of advantages. Taped material allows students to hear a variety of different voices apart from just their own teacher’s. It gives them an opportunity to meet a range of varieties of English, the way in which mature people talk.

Lecturați gratuit Methodical and Research Activity, autor Mariuta Carmen Chiritescu

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ISBN 978-606-30-5217-0

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