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Creating, Adapting and Evaluating Activities for Teaching Grammar, autor Mariuta Carmen Chiritescu

As they advance along the learning process, the teacher must use more complex exercises (e.g. integrative ones, grammar games) that should also target other language skills (e.g. reading or writing, full-text listening).
However, drilling and controlled practice are still insufficient: the new structure has not become a linguistic habit, but merely a part of the learner’s passive knowledge, generally avoided or wrongly used in real-world situations.
That is why, the practice stage must be followed by various communicative activities, in which the students are made to use the new structure in an interactive way, to exchange information and negotiate meaning. To encourage the students and involve them in the task, the activities must be imaginative and enjoyable and exploit the learners’ personal experience.

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ISBN 978-606-30-5216-3

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