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Math Survival Guide For First Year Students.Transitioning From High School To University, author Prof. Dr. Geanina Tudose

People who don’t learn or understand this material probably won’t use it, but people who do may be surprised to find where it is useful. This applies not just to the content of the course, but to its association with careful, creative thinking. It will probably be up to you to find places where you can use this mathematics. But depending on your career, you may find that things that are now obvious to you are not known to others; or on the other hand, you may find it taken for granted that you know this material and much more. But most likely, you may actually use the subject of this course and the skills you’ve gained, without even realizing it.
In reality, the questions and complaints mentioned above are all too frequently tacit, and it may be that much more difficult to bring these issues to a point of real discussion. Sometimes these complaints only show up on instructors’ end-of-term evaluations. There are certainly more useful responses for individual students in individual situations than those offered here.

Lecturați gratuit Math Survival Guide For First Year Students.Transitioning From High School To University, author Prof. Dr. Geanina Tudose

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ISBN 978-606-30-0588-6

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